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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to Get Students to Love Learning

School every day in itself is a struggle for teachers and students. There are many strategies teachers and schools try to perform to keep students engaged and interesting in their education. Speaking at a personal level i learn best when i am not lectured at and are taught a subject of information through interaction and hands on activities. A way to keep kids engaged would be to create fun activities that taught a certain subject area. These tasks would definitely be tough to come up with in a way that interprets the subject initially being taught but it is far more rewarding when students actually understand it.
It is known to be a major problem in class when students come to class late and then decide to pack up their things before the bell rings. If teachers were to make their class day agenda's longer so that it would adequately fill the entire class period students would be forced to stay focused until the bell. Also on those days when students have to work hard as suggested until the very end of class a reward should be given. For example, the next day class period should give the students a little free extra time at the end of class to relax. Or even possibly one of these relaxing last couple minutes once a week. Students appreciate it and it makes them happier to come to class the next day knowing they were given a small brake.
Lastly if students at the beginning of class choose to not pay attention something called "Video Didect" could be used in the classroom. Most of the time if there is an assignment given at the start of class students rush to try and finish it leaving them with time at the end of class without even listening to the instructions first. This program allows the teacher to control the monitors of students so that they are forced to pay attention instead of ignoring the instructions. It will make the computer screen go blank giving the main focus back to the teacher.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Students given freedom with their Ipads

The question is, should students be able to load anything they want on their iPads next year or do you think the school should control it? Personally i believe students should have the freedom to put and load anything they want on their ipads. Overall they are their ipads for the year and they wont be used only in school. I feel as though since students will be using them at home and over vacations they should have the freedom to do what they want with them. However some restrictions need to be put into place. During school hours certian sights should be blocked. Also it is the students responsibility to pay attention and take notes in class and if they choose not to their grade will be affected.

Friday, June 10, 2011

North shore technical high school

This iPad app is incredible. Just looking around and playing with it I noticed it has everything. It is exactly like and agenda but easier to work and more organized. For me it is very helpful because it has a section for sports. It has each sport one plays and the schedule there just by clicking on the sport. There is homework available exactly how a teacher wants it to be done. There is a plane calendar available as well. For your own benefit there is a tab for "news" which makes kids aware of everything going on in the school and important dates. Some cases for iPads that are useful is the handstand And the scosche kickback case. Also the ModulR iPad case

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No homework debate

The link on no homework above I disagree on. On a personal level i have come to realize having homework has helped with the overall outcome of my grade. Before tests and quizes having homework is like a review. When teaches assign homework as to study I never do it but when for example in math my teacher assigns a worksheet to complete the day beffore a test i make sure to do it becau it is extremely helpful. At times, any student will agree, i don't like homework and wish it was banned because i become over whelmed and stressed. No child likes coming home to a pike of homework but no student should come home and have nothing to do. This could lead to kids having the freedom to go out later therefore going to bed late and being tired the next day. I can say all this because I have been through it. Therefore i disagree with the banning of homework but I do think the amount teachers give a night and the due dates for things should be lessened and have restrictions to.

Common sense media

The common sense website is a great way for parents and students to become informed about their school environment. It gives parents an insight on the technology advancements around the world. Also it tells them exactly what goes on in schools so regardless of what their children tell them they truly know what happens with their children in school. It also is a reliable source for kids to see and know what is changing around them. They may not be caught up with everything going on around them in school and simply by visiting this site it will help them realize. This website is helpful for everyone including people who may not attend school. Those who are teachers in other places are able to see what happens in schools around them or across the world. This site is a world wide reliable source.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Ladin

Osama Bin Ladin is the reason for many deaths, many grieving families and many destruction's. I do not know much about him or the specifics on what he has done to destroy our country. However, i do know that he was the reason for 9/11. I remember very vaguely that day. I was in the third grade, age 7 and we were having a normal day as always. Over the loud speakers our principle made everyone stop and take a moment of silence for the fact that a terrible event had just taken place in New York. No one knew details or what exactly had just happened but i specifically remember everyone being very scared. Osama Bin Ladin caused all this and quite frankly i am happy he is dead. With all the rumors going around about retaliation and revenge i can only pray that they are not true however i do not know what to expect for our country from here on out.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


The way I see facebook, is that it is a very large social network. People are given the chance to communicate with eachother.For example, if there is a project that requires out of school work, facebook allows those students to make a group that way everyone knows what is going on all at the same time. Also on a personal level I know that while in class i have full access to face through my phone and ipod, however, I do not use it while in class. I understand that high school is a place where kids are responsible for their own learning and having to put the work in themselves to be successful. Facebook can be a distraction most definitely but I believe with the iPads students will only use facebook when appropriate, because they know they are responsible for their own grade and absorbing the information taught to them. Also it makes the students feel more in control now that trust is being put in them. Students soon realize they have other things with a greater level of importance than facebook.

Thoughts ipads

Honestly, I think iPads are a good idea. They have many apps that make learning easier and more fun. However, I believe students should have the oppurtunity to decide whether they want to use an iPad or their own laptop. For those who have mac laptops they are still able to have access to the same apps and learning ways as those students with iPads. Also, are techers going to be using iPads? I know now that teachers are using mac laptops, so whats the harm in students using them as well?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ipad apps

There are so many apps available for the iPad. A useful one that i found quite interesting was the flascards app. It was very simple to use. No tutorial was necessary, all I had to do was open the app and start typing. It is a very helpful in the fact that instead of wasting multiple flashcards and money on vocabulary tests, finals and the SATs. This app allows you to create your own flashcards with a front and back side and flip through them just by a swipe of your finger. When we get iPads next year I am definitely going to download this app.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Picture Tour

Heres my 9 Picture Tour !

This is the chaos I have to deal with in the morning trying to get to school.

Homeroom for the first 10 minutes of school before 1st period.

"A" street as it's called is my route to and from almost all my classes.

I have to carry around these books all day, and every day.

My favorite time of my day. I spend my study period in this field study helping out with the younger kids.

I can't make it through the day without my license, ipod, car keys and of course my phone. 

Lunch inside or out is when I socialize with my friends and rush to finish homework for my last 2 classes.

2:00 is when school gets out and once again another day finished.

After school my time is spent playing either lacrosse, soccer or running track and field on this beautiful new field.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Picture Tour

For this project the list below is the order and what pictures I am going to take for this interesting and exciting project of a day for Megan Packar:
1. Student Parking Lot
2. Homeroom 257A
3. Red Hall Way (A Street)
4. Notebook, Pencil, Highlighter and Books
5. Kids from Labbb/ Child Developement (Area)
6. Cell Phone, ipod touch
7. Cafeteria
8. Friends
9. Clock 2:00
10. Turf Football Field

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1:1 Student Questions

I know how I feel towards becoming a 1:1 school. How do you guys feel about switching to all iPads? Are you guys afraid of getting them stolen or broken? Also what do you guys prefer on  a regular basis, iPads or notebook and paper? Pretty much all the questions I wonder about, I guarentee you all have the same questions. So pretty much just what are your thoughts about making this change?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

School Handbook Revision

The student handbook has many rules that students are required to know about and be aware of. Out of this class alone about 1 or 2 students admitted to actually reading the handbook. Most students in BHS are not aware of the rules they are supposed to follow everyday. One of the many rules that I feel needs to change is the rules for dimissal. More than the usual amount of students people would figure, leave and skip school. Kids that are responsible enough and wouldnty abuse this privaledge should be allowed to sign themselves out of school. However there is more to it than just that. I feel as though students with cars, basically juniors and seniors should only be allowed to leave. They should also only be allowed to leave if they have under 4 dismissals, tardies, or absences for that quarter. Of course with some variations and with certain rules to meet teachers and advisors needs I feel as though this may work to everyones advantage. It will keep students from leaving with out checking out and make it better for students to be in school.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

School Lunch Prices.. Too High!

Not only does our Burlington High School School have ridiculously high lunch prices. Schools all over the country for example Guilderland High School are continuously raising their prices for school lunches. Those kids who are low on money and don't have a packed lunch available to them go into very large debt just from getting food in school. Never have I been in debt when buying lunch but ever since this change to electronically paid lunches multiple kids i know are now in debt of prices of $10 and higher, even up to $20. The reason for this electronic change was because of social media. The reason for the switch to iPads was because of social media and because of the new and constantly advancing outside world. From hearing about other schools idea of a new way to teach and communicating with people around the word through social media, it caused this change. Personally lunch is much faster and more efficient now but not sure if it is necessarily better.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

13 Things Not to Put on Facebook

The things on this slideshow on what not to put on facebook honestly isn't anything new to me. As it said to not put your home address, kids names, when your leaving for vacation or even your cell phone number are things I already new not to do. It is evident and has always been taught to me that there are many predators out there. There are many people out there that disguise themselves and hide behind facebook fake profiles and names to attack people especially teenagers. All this talk is very scary but something adults as well as kids need to be aware of. Even it your profile is set to private there are ways around it. When making a page on the internet nothing is ever really deleted or safe so you can never be to careful.

Monday, March 28, 2011


This TEDxNYED video was very interesting. I find it amazing how his daughter was able to learn an advanced piano song when her actual teacher didn't even believe she was ready yet. People have abilities that others aren't able to see. For her she knew she could do it with a little pracice and some other forms of help and as a result she accomplished her goal. As far as Mark Kassel his story is amazing too. He had the ability to take what he had learned from observation and a little teaching and creat something much larger. He has expanded what he has learned to people all around the world. It amazes me everyday to see these things happen to only good people because they truly deserve the oppurtunities they are given.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Apple Ipads in School

I think its incredible making Burlington High School change to a one-to-one school and using apple ipad 2's. However my view on this change isn't all positive. I feel as though some students may not want or cant handle this change. Kids loose and break things all the time an Ipad isn't like a phone if you drop it it is fine, an ipad is much more delicate and fragile. My question is what would happen if one is stolen or lost does that student have to pay for it in full? Also what if students dont like the ipads would we be allowed to bring in our laptops and use those instead? There are many questions running through my mind towards this topic but i feel preparing us for the outside world with this change is a good idea.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Being safe online and in life

The topic of a person creating their own digital footprint is constantly an issue especially for children. For me I see it as a good thing to put your full name online depending on where it is placed. I do not agree that children or even adults should ever put their town or address online but a name is different. For children it is a way of interaction and a way to be aware of what is around them outside of their homes. Also there is always the option of security settings. If a person feels uncomfortable or unsafe they are always open to change their settings to private and that will give them a sense of security. I think children especially should be taught how to blog, tweet and use other tools effectively and by opening up to all these possibilities it requires them to put their name online. Any website you create an account for you have control over so why be afraid? If anything someone can always delete their page. Up to a certain extend putting a persons full name online is perfectly safe.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Earthquake

The earthquake that hit japan was catastrophic. Not only did it put everyone in danger but also destroyed a number of lives. It affected everyone around the worl even the United Sates. This event is to similar to hurricane catrina in New Orleans. People are trying to help out in Japan but currently there is so much to be done it will be a long time before pregress is seen. I only wish that i could go help but there's no way for me to contribute except for send supplies there. I never imagined such an awful thing could happen. I can't even imagine loosing my home, family or even friends, noone should have to go through this type of pain.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Blabberize It

One of the 35 web 2.0 tools I found particularly interesting as the Blabberize website. For people who find this website irrational they are mistakingly wrong. This site allows you to take any image you want and allow it to talk. For high school teachers it can be an alternative way to keep students awake in class by having them create a talking animal with a presentation in class. Instead of students having to present a topic infront of their class this keeps everyone interesting in learning about that topic but in a way that is more efficient and interactive. This possibility also can be entertaining and used for other things such as art class or a way for teachers to teach a certain subject area. There is no limit now in the system of education.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ipad 2

The Ipad 2 is seem to be an incredible machine. It is much thinner, lighter, faster and has the capability to do things unimaginable. The latest details on this are all over the web and in news discussions. Personally i think Ipad's are amazing. They are so much fun to play with, easily portable and are very reliable. However for me they are not an alternative for a computer. I like being able to type on a keyboard and view things in on a large monitor. Having the ipad accessible at any time and place is outstandingly helpful but a little difficult. What happens when you don't have WiFi or what happens if you are traveling and the battery life dies out? Its hard for me to imagine Ipad's completely replacing books, and other school materials because what about those students who loose things easily? What happens if students would rather hold a book in their hand. This invention opened a door of unlimited possibilities for people all around the world but in my eyes it isn't entirely wanted.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Wilderness Downtown

The Wilderness Downtown is an incredible website that allows people to explore a new way to look at their home and even town. Now only can you look at your own home but any place you want with just putting an address into the search. It starts off with a man running for all the videos then transforms into a higher over view of the surrounding area as well as birds flying around. Street lights, cars, signs, and homes are all visible. This source isn't necessarily useful to anything important but is something very interesting to check out. I find it incredibly imaginative and something different; It was a lot of fun for me to take the time to look at!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Online learning

Being able to work on assignments, get instant responses as well as Personalized responses can be extremely helpful when the topic of online learning comes up. However what this article talked about i strongly agree to. Online learning can be very helpful and a way to keep students up to date on everything technologically happening in our world today but it cant be the only solution to education. Online courses are helpful but they can't be a substitution for in school classroom courses. Making sure students are highly involved with the updating community of America is very important but not the only way. Kids should still have the opportunity to use hard cover book if they want seeing as the same thing will be used in class just online. It should be the students decision not a single choice situation. I am highly for advanced technology in school, homes and businesses but it should be peoples decision on what they would like to do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Schools banning cell phones?

I am fortunate Burlington High School has in fact promoted cell phone use in school. I agree with the fact that cell phones are a distraction but I can also disagree and say that cell phones can be helpful. Cell phones have been used in class to do on line poles, which are an interesting way to check if you got multiple choice answers on a worksheet or homework correct. Using cell phones at lunch to call a parent or if an emergency at home occurred is also very convenient for students. Most students in high school are grown up enough to take responsibility for their own work and keeping good grades. Most high school teachers don't care if students use cell phones solely because they are responsible for understanding and studying the material at hand and if a student chooses to not pay attention or get the work then that is their own fault. Cell phones can be very helpful and important but its all up to the student when and where it is appropriate to use them.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Christina Aguilera at the Super Bowl

Before the Super Bowl yesterday, Sunday February 6, 2011 Christina Aguilera sang the American National Anthem live. To everyone's surprise later they realized she messed up the words to the Anthem and unknowingly embarrassed herself incredibly. I don't understand how someone who has been a singer her whole life, lived in America her whole life and she doesn't know the correct words to our nations anthem. It truly is a disappointment and sad. However I know my family and I all got a good laugh out of it but it's still really sad on Christina's part for messing up in front of millions of people.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Facebook strengthening students

Students most of the time view teachers as the enemy; the only reason they teach is because they hate students which explains why they seem to cruel. However i've realized their main priority is truly about their students and they aren't here to set us up for failure but to prepare us for what lies ahead. Teachers realize every student is different and excels is certain areas therefore not only do teachers notice students for their academic ability but those who coach a sport or lead an extra curricular activity notice students talents in other physical areas. Facebook is a common interest for all students and I find it extremely interesting that teachers are trying to find new way to reach out to students and expose them to new learning methods, Facebook being one of them. This article shows how Facebook can be used to give extra help to students in need, for the teachers they are able to view the everyday lives of students, family connections in students homes, updated homework for each night if you happen to miss a class, snow days, an atmosphere where students have no excuses, exposing students and teachers to the newly invented technology of this world and lastly mobil access to all these options anywhere, anytime. I feel the use of Facebook would be an amazing new experience for students giving them a way to learn easier and more interesting. However this method could cause distractions not related to school. This idea is both good and bad but definitely a start to moving forward in education for kids.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Changing Education Paradigms

Maybe I sound a little rediculous but I had to watch this video above twice to try to understand where Sir Ken Robinson is coming from. I personally agree with the fact that during his time as a child kids believed that if they went to school, got an education, went to college they were ensured a job. However now, kids don't believe it anymore. It is good to have a college degree but doesn't promise you a job after college. I don't know how many times i have heard "I have ADHD." I support the theory that the increase in standardized testing in the US has increased the ADHD rate as well. On top of it giving kids drugs to make them pay attention drains all their ability to explore except for focus on the one concept at hand which takes the livelyness out of a person resulting in them being held back from their true potential. Mainly all the points Robinson addressed in my mind are compltely accurate. It makes me wonder why schools seperate kids by age. Why not by ability or learning habits? Also I have realized I work better in a group than alone which also factors into the theory of holding kids back from their true potential. This video got me thinking a lot but did makes me wonder if I am understanding correctly what he is trying to say..