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Thursday, April 28, 2011


The way I see facebook, is that it is a very large social network. People are given the chance to communicate with eachother.For example, if there is a project that requires out of school work, facebook allows those students to make a group that way everyone knows what is going on all at the same time. Also on a personal level I know that while in class i have full access to face through my phone and ipod, however, I do not use it while in class. I understand that high school is a place where kids are responsible for their own learning and having to put the work in themselves to be successful. Facebook can be a distraction most definitely but I believe with the iPads students will only use facebook when appropriate, because they know they are responsible for their own grade and absorbing the information taught to them. Also it makes the students feel more in control now that trust is being put in them. Students soon realize they have other things with a greater level of importance than facebook.

Thoughts ipads

Honestly, I think iPads are a good idea. They have many apps that make learning easier and more fun. However, I believe students should have the oppurtunity to decide whether they want to use an iPad or their own laptop. For those who have mac laptops they are still able to have access to the same apps and learning ways as those students with iPads. Also, are techers going to be using iPads? I know now that teachers are using mac laptops, so whats the harm in students using them as well?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ipad apps

There are so many apps available for the iPad. A useful one that i found quite interesting was the flascards app. It was very simple to use. No tutorial was necessary, all I had to do was open the app and start typing. It is a very helpful in the fact that instead of wasting multiple flashcards and money on vocabulary tests, finals and the SATs. This app allows you to create your own flashcards with a front and back side and flip through them just by a swipe of your finger. When we get iPads next year I am definitely going to download this app.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Picture Tour

Heres my 9 Picture Tour !

This is the chaos I have to deal with in the morning trying to get to school.

Homeroom for the first 10 minutes of school before 1st period.

"A" street as it's called is my route to and from almost all my classes.

I have to carry around these books all day, and every day.

My favorite time of my day. I spend my study period in this field study helping out with the younger kids.

I can't make it through the day without my license, ipod, car keys and of course my phone. 

Lunch inside or out is when I socialize with my friends and rush to finish homework for my last 2 classes.

2:00 is when school gets out and once again another day finished.

After school my time is spent playing either lacrosse, soccer or running track and field on this beautiful new field.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Picture Tour

For this project the list below is the order and what pictures I am going to take for this interesting and exciting project of a day for Megan Packar:
1. Student Parking Lot
2. Homeroom 257A
3. Red Hall Way (A Street)
4. Notebook, Pencil, Highlighter and Books
5. Kids from Labbb/ Child Developement (Area)
6. Cell Phone, ipod touch
7. Cafeteria
8. Friends
9. Clock 2:00
10. Turf Football Field

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1:1 Student Questions

I know how I feel towards becoming a 1:1 school. How do you guys feel about switching to all iPads? Are you guys afraid of getting them stolen or broken? Also what do you guys prefer on  a regular basis, iPads or notebook and paper? Pretty much all the questions I wonder about, I guarentee you all have the same questions. So pretty much just what are your thoughts about making this change?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

School Handbook Revision

The student handbook has many rules that students are required to know about and be aware of. Out of this class alone about 1 or 2 students admitted to actually reading the handbook. Most students in BHS are not aware of the rules they are supposed to follow everyday. One of the many rules that I feel needs to change is the rules for dimissal. More than the usual amount of students people would figure, leave and skip school. Kids that are responsible enough and wouldnty abuse this privaledge should be allowed to sign themselves out of school. However there is more to it than just that. I feel as though students with cars, basically juniors and seniors should only be allowed to leave. They should also only be allowed to leave if they have under 4 dismissals, tardies, or absences for that quarter. Of course with some variations and with certain rules to meet teachers and advisors needs I feel as though this may work to everyones advantage. It will keep students from leaving with out checking out and make it better for students to be in school.